Play The Game
Detailed rules are in the Make Sense! book of games. The following videos show some typical plays.
Scramble Basic/Wild
Scramble Basic
Scramble Basic is a competition between teams to create as many sentences as possible in a certain time period. The difficulty level is adjusted using logical sets from the Junior Deck (for example, present tense), using fewer or more logical sets, or shortening the construction time. The Scramble games are the ones used to reinforce speaking and punctuation skills when students are asked to read their compositions aloud.
Scramble Wild
Wild cards, represented by each logical set (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, WHY, DETAIL, RESULT) reinforce the concept of each logical category and allow students to innovate content. By introducing WILD cards into your game decks, you can choose to focus on a particular category in each game.
Solitaire Syntax
Players can play alone or with a friend, family member, or classmate. The idea is to “beat the odds” to deploy every card in their 67 card deck into sentences. The rules are similar to the classic game of Solitaire. There are four different decks in the kit offering 268 cards.
Played standing up, this game is great to break up a long period of sitting. Circling a large table, and using 52 to 74 cards, players enjoy a greater element of chance by using dice to increase the number of placements allowed per turn. Players use successive deals to develop their own grid of sentences, while placing leftover cards on the grids of other players.
Grid Game
Using 96 cards, the goal is to make a solid grid of grammatically correct sentences 12 across and 8 deep. By far the most popular game, this is also the longest and most concentrated. Cards have values according to where they are placed. Forming sentences are read on the horizontal and the vertical before being accepted by players.